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Scissors vs. Shears: Leave it to the Pros

We get it – you’re very busy, your wallet is a bit strapped, and you don’t want to make a trip all the way to the salon just to trim up your ends that are driving you mad. It starts to feel like your dead ends have a personal vendetta against you and your ability to style your hair, your preferred stylist is booked, and standing in front of the bathroom mirror you decide you’ve had enough. When this happens to you, we want you to take a deep breath, back away from the kitchen scissors, and call your stylist. Here’s why –

Hair cutting shears are designed with specially-sized blades and razor sharp edges to provide a blunt, even cut at the end of the hair shaft. This prevents the hair from breaking and becoming damaged, and ensures a more even grow-out.

When using house scissors to cut hair, which have a larger blade that is typically much more dull than shears, cutting causes jagged ends, split ends, and damaged hair shafts. This can hinder hair growth, shine, and overall health of your mane. If the proper technique is not used to trim grown-out bangs, the hair can revolt and stick straight out, straight up, or work against natural cow-licks.

Haircutting shears are a specially-designed tool, are generally quite expensive, and so is the training that stylists receive to ensure their technique provides desirable results, so next time your ends need a trim, we kindly ask that you Leave It To The Pros.