Filtering by Tag: hairstylist blog

Do I Really Need to See My Stylist Regularly?

In short – yes. But “regularly” is usually different for everyone based on the condition of your hair and your ultimate goals! 

With the rise of Youtube stars and Beauty Bloggers, there is an overwhelming wave of information that is currently available regarding healthy hair care and tips. We wanted to remind our readers that although these can be helpful sources of information, the advice of these influencers should not replace your regular visits to the salon for healthy hair maintenance. 

Here’s Why:

#1 : Licensed Cosmetologists are required to pass state board exams that ensure they are proficient in skills that are crucial to ensuring our clients receive quality care and service. This includes sanitization, the thorough understanding of chemical products and how to use them safely, and the anatomy of your hair/scalp. This knowledge is crucial for ensuring hair is cared for using safe techniques and products. We are not only concerned in the look and feel of your hair, but also the porosity and condition of your scalp. 

#2. Not all hair tips are created equally. What works well for one client may not work at all for another. We all have unique qualities and histories with our hair that are important in determining a Healthy Hair Plan. Your stylist is essential in offering you tips and tricks that are unique to what you need based on their professional knowledge, and are a consistent measure of your progress over time.

#3. Salon Professional Products truly are unique from most drugstore offerings. We choose products for our salon based on what we feel will offer the most benefit and health to our clientele. We go through months-long trials with product lines to ensure we are offering a level of service that looks and feels good long after your salon appointment. Lots of beauty store and drug store products available contain fillers or sulfates that dry and damage the hair over time. You truly get what you pay for with hair products!